

Otra manera de insertar música en nuestro blog es mediante Deezer.

Es muy sencillo. Desde la página web buscamos la canción que deseemos. Tiene una gran base de datos, que crece día a día, así que es fácil encontrar grupos concretos.

Cuando pulsamos en el botón de play, a la derecha nos aparecerá este cuadro con dos enlaces. El primero es una URL, pero el segundo es el código embed que insertamos en la parte HTML de una nueva entrada. De esta forma insertamos una canción.
Si queremos incluir una colección, nos tendremos que dar de alta en Deezer, crear una nueva lista con varias canciones y repetir el mismo proceso que hemos hecho con una sola canción



Jclic-etik gure blogean edo webwn ariketak sartzeko aukera eskeintzen digute, HTML kodea eskaintzen digutelarik.

Screen capture

Screen Capture es un software gratuito para Windows que ofrece un excelente rendimiento, yo lo he empezado a usar como alternativa a JING para crear screencast para los cursos de formación. Permite captura de la pantalla, ventana o un área en formato vídeo WMV o AVI con distintos codecs y comprensión grabando simultáneamente el sonido. También se pueden capturar imágenes en formatos png, .gif, .jpg, .bmp and .tiff, y dirigirlas a distintos destinos como puede verse.


Hitz gurutzatuak

Hemen dugu lotura:

TOP 25

Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites for Education

Google/Gaggle - Google Apps are some of the most popular services for document creation and collaboration. Also, the suite of tools that Google Apps covers is quite abundant such as: web page creation, groups, spreadsheets, etc. Gaggle has a great suite of filtered tools (check out their collaboration w/ Zoho) to make ideal for education. Gaggle allows for filtered blogging, chatting, messaging boards, and filtered videos in You Tube, etc.

Edmodo - A wonderful free site that creates an educational environment for students that focuses on skills such as blogging and collaboration.

Glogster - A great multi-media site for creating interactive posters that can be viewed online. Plus, student accounts can be created by an educator w/out the need of a student email!!
Vídeo tutorial: Marisa

Voice Thread - One of the most popular web 2.0 sites around. An ideal site for creating interactive presentations/slide shows.

Myths & Legends - A free site that is wonderful for digital storytelling. All a teacher has to do is get approval from a school administrator to sign a school up for this great service!!

Animoto - Create dynamic slide shows w/ one of the most popular slide show creators on the web!!

Mixbook - A great way to create a safe & secure environment for students to create online or real books (for order).

Prezi - The evolution of presentations has arrived w/ this zoomable presentation creator. Also, there is an educational portal in the works.

Aviary Education - A safe secure way that offers a lot of different services for students such as: photo editor, audio editor, and movie creator.

Diigo - An ideal site for social bookmarking that allows teachers to create student account for sharing and annotating links.

Weebly - A fantastic site for creating a student or teacher websites w/ the ability to blog.

ToonDoo Spaces - One of the best online comic creators that allows for student accounts.

Kidblog - One of the top ways for students to create blogs in a safe environment.

Primary Access - A nice site for digital story telling that allows students to use a variety of different resources such as video, audio, photos, etc.

Zoho Wiki - Similar to Google Apps, this online suite offers a secure way for students to create docs and share.

Kerpoof - A multi-media site for creating stories, games, lessons, etc.

Zimmertwins - A fun site for digital storytelling that is done by creating one student account for a class.

SymbalooEdu - A great visual way for teachers to share sites and resources w/ students.

Pixton - An excellent way to create online digital comics that is moderated by a teacher.

Zunal - A fantastic webquest creator for teachers.

Alice Storytelling - One of the best ways to learn about the basics of programming as well as digital storytelling (a free pc download).

Story Jumper - A great way for students to create real or online stories and then have the ability to order a book.

Storybird - A fun site for collaborative and digital storytelling.

Magic Studio - A wonderful site for teachers to share multimedia resources w/ students.

Museum Box - A great historical site for teachers and students to create multimedia projects.



Hoy os presento una página que he descubierto para hacer presentaciones de fotos y que me ha gustado mucho. Es una mezcla de los slides corrientes y de movie maker, con interesantes posibilidades de añadir transiciones, efectos, texto, animaciones y un sinfin de cosas que a mí, como saben los que me conocen, me atraen mucho.
Nahi duzun musika gehitu dezakezu.



Igo nahi ditugun argazkiak bai ordenagailutik bai picasatik egin daitezke

Argazkiak ahotsarekin

Argazkiak hornatu

my pimped pic!
my pimped pic!


| View Sample Photo Books | Create your own Photo Book

Liburu digitala


Argazkiak igotzeko

Beste batekin saiatu naiz, baina honek ere ez dauka musika aukera. Hasieran saiatu nintzen myspaces-tik, baina berdin.

Argazkiak igotzeko

Behin picture trail erabili nuen eta ezin izan nuen txertatu nahi nuen abestia (cd batekoa) bakariik hor daudenak. Hala ere oso aurkezpen polita geratzen da.


Testu sortzaileak

Gabonetan 6. mailako geletan erabili nuen. Hau de helbidea

eta hemen adibide batzuk
ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com


Puzleak egiteko orri hau aurkitu dut:
jigsaw planet eta hau sortu dut. Emmbebed aukeratu behar da.


Beste orrialde honetan, page plugins. com , beste gauza batzuk ikusi ditzakezue.

Cool Myspace Generators

Teddy Gram Note Generator


Fodey.com orrialdean testu sortzaileak aurkitu ditzakezue. Hemen adibide batzuk uzten ditut


Liburu digitala

Oso interesgarria ikasleen idazki guztiak bildu ditzakegulako. Informazioa gehiago lotura honetan:
